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Welcome to Monterey First Baptist Church!

Brother Bill Barenkamp & Kathy Celebration Lunch

June 26 - 30, 2023

Vacation Bible School "Twists and Turns"

Motto "Following Jesus changes the game!"

The Monterey First Baptist Church hosted the ladies of Monterey on Saturday with a Ladies Tea Luncheon as a kickoff for its newly created Women’s Ministry headed by Debbie Dicken.

March 4, 2023

The Monterey First Baptist Church celebrated the 90th birthday of Marvin Wacaser, with a delicious surprise birthday lunch catered by his daughter, Anna Bailey, owner of Bailey Hills Farm.

We also celebrated the 73rd birthday of Dan Sheffler, who is a member of the Tennessee Disaster Response Team.

Happy birthday to Marvin and Dan.

February 2023